Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Mawrok Titan at level 60 - Dawn of Titans Gameplay

Mawrok is a 4* Earth Titan

Skills -
BRIMSTONE AURA II - 72%Goliaths resist against ice
AXE WIELDING AURA X - 180% Storm maiden damage
TERRESTRIAL AURA X - 180% Goliaths damage
RAGE AURA X - 88% Storm maiden armor piercing
BRAVADO AURA X - 117% Goliaths health

Nazul Titan at level 60 - Dawn of Titans Gameplay

Nazul is a 4* Titan 

Skills - 
TRUE STRAIKE II - 36% Titan armor piercing
EARTH MASTERY II - 72% Titan earth damage
TRUE STRIKE III - 44% Titan armor piercing
ROARING STRIKE III - 44% Titan critical
TRUE STRIKE X - 88% Titan armor piercing